Phenotypic vs. Genetic Mismatch of BMI and Type 2 Diabetes: Evidence from Two Perspective Cohort Studies.
Li A., Gong S., Yu C., Pei P., Yang L., Millwood IY., Walters RG., Chen Y., Du H., Yang X., Hou W., Chen J., Chen Z., Lv J., Li L., Sun D., China Kadoorie Biobank Collaborative Group None.
Little is known about the population-based mismatch between phenotypic and genetic BMI (BMI-PGM) and its association with type 2 diabetes. We therefore used data from the China Kadoorie Biobank and UK Biobank and calculated BMI-PGM for each participant as the difference between the percentile for adjusted BMI at baseline and the percentile for adjusted polygenic risk score for BMI. Participants were categorized into discordantly low (BMI-PGM< the 1st quartile), concordant (the 1st quartile ≤BMI-PGM